12 August 2011

A roof overhead and a suitcase full of textbooks

Despite my optimism in my last blog about getting a room to live in, there has been much drama over the last three weeks! It turned out that Paardenmaarkt was rented out from under me (not the only time it would happen either!), then Stijfselstraat wasn't complying with the Kotweb rental agreement so I didn't want to risk living there.

Not to worry, I told myself, there are plenty of places to rent in Antwerpen. Now that may indeed be true, but getting hold of one, or even just a landlord  to discuss terms, is mightily difficult. Approximately 40 emails, 3 false alarms, a variety of hideous looking properties and a lot of hair pulled out later, this morning I heard back from a studio on Carnotstraat for a great price - it was available! Fantastic I thought, and immediately asked about paying the caution. Sadly, mere hours later disaster would strike in the form of a previous tenant leaving the place in such a state that it would take 2 months to repair the damage. Despairing, I got the telephone and started trying to find somewhere by speaking (bad) dutch. Still nothing.

Luckily, just as I was beginning to wonder whether I am really meant to be going to Antwerpen, I got an email about a room I'd been enquiring about (but that wouldn't be available until 15/09/11) saying that I could rent it, and that the landlord would let me stay in his daughter's empty studio until the room was available.

Hallelujah! After much anguish and despair I have managed to find a 13m2 room sharing a kitchen and bathroom with two others on De Beuckerstraat not far from Antwerpen Zuid, the Schelde, Konig Albertpark and the number 12 tramlijn. It even has a place to store my bike. For only 250 euro per month including my utilities, central heating and internet, it's a bargain!

Filled with excitement and relief about finally sorting my accomodation out I began packing my new stripy suitcase with bits and pieces and ticking things off my to-do list. Book accomodation? Check. Photocopy important documents? Check. Order a local map? Check. Buy a guidebook? Check. All in all a very productive day, despite the awful interlude in the middle. 18 days to go!

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