Well it hasn't been a very exciting two weeks, as per usual law work has taken over leaving little time for fun. Even the weather hasn't been exciting - some sun, some cloud, temperatures of around 6/7 degrees and no rain. What happened to the snow and ice I was promised? Belgium is meant to get cold in the winter yet some days I don't even need a coat on at the end of November! At least in four weeks I'll be flying home for a couple of days holiday.
My law work at the moment is focusing heavily on researching and writing my draft for my Children's Rights term paper, due 16/12/2011. 6000 words on a topic of my choice may sound a lot but since I got to choose what I'm writing about it's actually quite interesting. I decided to focus on juvenile justice rights (sometimes known as youth justice) within the countries of the UK and see how far these rights are compatible with the UK's international obligations, with my main focus on the minimum age of criminal responsibility and the adaptation of procedures, and possibly looking at detention of youth offenders. My question (as it stands at the moment, it's subject to change) is:
"To what extent are juvenile justice rights, as granted by the United Nations and the Council of Europe, applied and interpreted within the different legal jurisdictions in the United Kingdom?"
In other law news, revision has been begun alongside the usual preparatory chapters, legislation and case reading that must be done, and the trusty coloured pens have been taken out to begin the marathon of mind-maps (yes, I realise they look too fun and colourful and 'artistic' for a serious law student, but they make revision fun, and get the important stuff on handy A4 pages you can carry around on trams/trains/planes for whenever (if-ever) you feel inspired to study!). Sigh. Exams will be happening between the 9th and 23rd January with results on 26th. Unfortunately my 21st birthday falls in this period, of course on a weekday, so chances are I'll have to write an exam on my birthday :( On the upside, there won't be any classes until 13th February so I'm flying back to the UK for the European Figure Skating Championships in Sheffield (my girlfriend got me a ticket for the Mens and Ladies Free programme day) and then heading up to Scotland for a week or so and back south to England to visit family. This definitely makes up for the teeny tiny Christmas holiday i'm getting this year!
Other than having to buy a sourcebook for Competition Law (50€! For a book i'll use in one exam! An absolute outrage) nothing else has really happened lately. The Kerstmarkt starts in two weeks in the centre of Antwerpen, so that should bring some exciting opportunties to get into the Flemish culture. Tot ziens!
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