Well it's been a busy and law-filled three weeks, but finally I have my semester break of three weeks before classes start up again on the 13th Feb. Hallelujah!
It has been very weird having a January exam season and not December like back in Dundee, and even weirder having so many exams and subjects - I haven't had this many in one season since doing my A-Levels! My consolation is that each module is only 5 ECTS (roughly 10 Dundee credits) so only worth around 4.2% of my final degree classification. This is especially reassuring in respect of Constitutionalism... everyone I've spoken about that exam to has said they went home and cried afterwards - it was that awful. 3 hours and just 1 question on a paper we hadn't discussed or even been told about in class. Shudder. On the plus side, the other exams were much nicer with their multiple questions and focus on blackletter law and not just theories about 'what is a constitution?', 'what is the rule of law' or 'how should judges interpret the law?' There is something curiously comforting about having a statute book and case reader in front of you in an exam.
Handy tip: if you bought a copy of Blackstone's EU Treaties and Legislation for your general EU module the year before, take it with you! It might not be this year's version but as long as it's post-Lisbon nothing important or relevant has changed.
Economic was fairly good, as was Competition (the ridiculously expensive sourcebook was actually useful...). Information and Communications took a 'wide and shallow' approach by asking a question on each lecture topic, which at least meant that I got a lot of use out of the mountain of legislation I'd had to print out (Prof. Van Eecke doesn't organise a course reader or recommend a statute book). Instituional was fairly thorough too, covering pretty much everything we did in class.
After finishing the final tweaks on my Children's Rights paper I submitted it yesterday, so now all I have to do for the next week is wait for Proclamation, wait for Friday to fly to Sheffield for the the European Figure Skating Championships (I am so excited about this!) and buy a rucksack for my cabin bag (I stupidly left mine locked away in storage in Dundee). Exciting times ahead! Although it is admittedly quite nice to sleep in and not feel guilty for somehow turning off the alarm and getting back into bed and going to sleep again.
Tot ziens!
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