The oral exam for Protection of Human Rights went well as we had plenty of time to prepare and Prof. Vandenhole was really good at asking supplementary questions to help improve your grade. Be careful with the materials though - he refused to accept photocopied materials, all the extra documents that he gave us had to be stapled and bound, and there could be no writing at all. I saw him take one girl's materials off her, and although he let her run out to get a friends he took that off her prep time.
4 days of worry and nerves later, the results appeared on SisA! Not having expected them until Proclamation the next day (someone posted in the Facebook group that they were up), I think my heart stopped beating for a few minutes while I tried to load the page. After it was loaded I then promptly stopped breathing! I had managed to achieve my goal of getting into the top 20% for all of my subjects with two 16's and 3 15's, and even better I got a 17 in Private Law meaning I was top of the class! In my utter excitement and disbelief I called my girlfriend and mum for a bit of 'oh my goodness I can't believe it' and happy-crying, before hot-footing it over to Carrefour before it shut for some celebratory (and I think well-earned) chocolate. Never before has chocolate tasted so good or deserved!
Proclamation the next day was a happy affair since everyone knew their results, and the Law Faculty put on some nibbles and drinks anf gave everyone a little graduation teddy, which was really nice of them. I've decided to call the teddy Arthur Antwerp in honour of my stay - he's adorable! On the way home I came across a band playing a concert at the end of Meir called The Wishing Well so spent a pleasant hour listening to them before getting back to last minute packing. I definitely recommend having a look/listen at their website:
Having handed in my keys, packed up my life and cleared out the fridge, I started the 700 mile journey from Antwerpen to Dundee carrying around 65kg in baggage and many happy memories in my head. I may have been doubtful and not especially eager to spend the year living in Antwerpen at the beginning, but looking back it has definitely been an amazing experience worth having and one I will look back on fondly for the rest of my life.
The final verdict? UA, the IELSP, Antwerpen and Belgium are all worth exploring and participating in - don't miss the opportunity to do something amazing!
Arthur Antwerp |
Thanks for reading and following my journey over the last year.